Explore the Arts
"Explore the Arts" is an educational program providing the students, the teachers and the Parents a platform of exploration and experimentation through the practice of Arts using non-formal learning techniques.
Workshop trainers will be introduced to the non-formal learning techniques before the launching of the program. If you are interested to join the of the implementation team and be part of the first generation of trainers using a structured set of non-formal learning techniques, please contact us agorayouthclub@gmail.com.
Launching of "Explore the Arts" Program will be on Friday 3 June (12:00 noon to 5:00 pm) in Saint Gabriel School
With Art programs being eliminated from public schools due to budget cuts, and with overworked and underfinanced parents unable to provide their children with private art lessons, we face a future of adults without strong creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills. Arts promote, encourage and provide a safe, exploring experience for children and young people to practice skills that are vital to the rest of their education. How can a child solve a complex scientific problem without the ability to think creatively and be innovative? The effect of art on children cannot be denied or ignored.
AGORA Arts & Culture in partnership with FigLeaf Studios are launching their new Program "Explore the Arts" to be implemented in Saint Gabriel School starting 17 June 2011."Explore the Arts" is an educational program providing the students, the teachers and the Parents a platform of exploration and experimentation through the practice of Arts using non-formal learning techniques.
Workshop trainers will be introduced to the non-formal learning techniques before the launching of the program. If you are interested to join the of the implementation team and be part of the first generation of trainers using a structured set of non-formal learning techniques, please contact us agorayouthclub@gmail.com.
Launching of "Explore the Arts" Program will be on Friday 3 June (12:00 noon to 5:00 pm) in Saint Gabriel School
JOIN EXPLORE THE ARTS FESTIVAL, 3 June, 12:00 noon, Free Entry
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